Thomas Barker 1962
AKA The Laughing Frenchman
Painting on Titterstone Clee Hill
Welcome to my adventures on Titterstone Clee Hill, the third highest hill in Shropshire.
At 1,770 feet it's often a very different world up here.
As an environment for plein air painting it has its challenges........ On most days the wind is strong enough to send the easel and painting flying and on others the cloud descends suddenly and dramatically to obscure the view and even the way down.
The looming presence of the NATS radar station is both reassuring and visually dramatic. The huge geometric structure adds form and scale to the cliff face and provides a wonderful foil to the rising moon.
My name is Thomas Barker, I have been making art for 42 years with a variety of subject matter from Toby Jugs to submarines, in the last couple of years I have been painting the landscape of Tittersone Clee Hill - a local landmark here in South Shropshire. I hope you enjoy the results at thomasbarker1962
Prices from £245
I have not priced the works individually, please do get in touch for prices if you are interested in any of the paintings.

Up on the hill, March 2023